Bands we have worked with in 2009:

Abrubt, Accellerators, Achzavoth, Aids Wolf, An Albatross, Andrew Bird, Angela Desveaux, Annihilation Time, Arbouretum, Areola Treat, Asva, Atomic Bitchwax, Baroness, Biohazard, The Bitter Tears, Black Heart Procession, Born/Dead, Botanica, Bowerbirds, Brett Dennen, The Cave Singers, Chad Vangaalen, Chairlift, Chris Garneau, Clues, Crystal Antlers, Dent May, Devil Music Ensemble, Digger & The Pussycats, The Drift, Dufusolon, Dummy, Earth, Edward Sharpe, Ehnahre, Elvis Perkins, Enablers, Everything Must Go, Experimental Dental, Farflung, The Field, Finally Punk, Fred Eaglesmith, Fuck The Facts, Fucked Up, Githead, Gories, Grails, Great Lake Swimmers, Grey Daturas, Hank and Lily, Hairpolice, Handsome Family, Hillstomp, Hjaltalin, The Holy Kiss, Ho Ag, Hot Panda, Jeremy Jay, Judgement Day, Kits, The Leftovers, Lightning Dust, Lightning Bolt, Limp Wrist, Lisa Ekdahl, Loney Dear, Mad Trist, Magnolia Electric Co, Magnolias, Marissa Nadler, Master Musicians of Bukkake, Morne, Muck, Mute, Neptune, Oblivians, Ohbiyou, Omar Rodrigues, On, Palodine, Paramount Styles, Pink Mountain Tops, Pit Er Pet, Pivot, Plants And Animals, Rainbow Arabia, Ramming Speed, The Sadies, San Andreas, Seasick, Shaky Hands, Shannon Wright, Shit & Shine, Slim Cessna, Smash, South San Gabriel, Ssion, Still Flying, Storm Of Light, Sunset Rubdown, Susanna & Her magical Orchestra, Sweet Empire, Tara Jane O’Neill, Tarbox Ramblers, Teenage Bottlerocket, Teenage Cool Kids, Teeth Mountain, Tenement Kids, Thank You, This Is A Standoff, Tiny Masters, Todd Bishop, Tragedy, Tweak Bird, United Steel Workers, Upsilon Acrux, Union Town, Usaisamonster, Vivian Girls, The War On Drugs, Wavves, We Are Wolves, We vs Death, Willie Nile, Women, zZz, Æthenor
